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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Headmaster Holiday w Rob Pattinson

Funny video with actor Peter Berg and Robert Pattinson for Headmaster Holiday in Baton Rogue.

Friday, October 22, 2010


It's the mushroom season! Yesterday our friend Fernando brought us this lovely collection of setas which he had collected from the surrounding area.

Click left for big image.

Last night they were chopped up, fried in a little olive oil then added to an omelette for our supper. They were delicious - really "meaty".

And we are still here today to tell the tale!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Como hacer las pulseras decenario

Os dejamos otro tutorial con instrucciones para hacer las famosas pulseras decenario, pulseras de nudos de colores que llevan Sara Carbonero o Shakira.
Estas pulseras están hechas con un tipo de cordón llamado cola de ratón que podéis encontrar en mercerías o tiendas especializadas. Probar a hacerlas en varios colores y a combinarlas quedarán preciosas.
La técnica para hacer las pulseras de Sara Carbonero es muy sencilla y podéis ver todos los pasos en el siguiente vídeo.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are you a Krisbian?

Are you a Krisbian?
I'm not I'm more the Ashbian (Ashley Greene) but that's just me.
Well all you Krisbians, Kristen Stwart is aware and says thanks.

Source: Hollywood Crush

Welcome to the Rileys Afterparty

New pics of Kristen Stewart at the Welcome the Riley's afterparty with Director, Jake Scott. I these pics were really cute.

Kristen Stewart: Welcome to the Riley's Premiere

In between preproduction of Breaking Dawn, Kristen Stewart attended the premiere of her new film Welcome to the Riley in New York this week.
I like the dress!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Como hacer las pulseras de Sara Carbonero

Ahora están muy de moda las pulseras de cuerda o hilo con nudos como las que utiliza Sara Carbonero.
Estas pulseras son muy fáciles de hacer, aquí te explicamos como.

Para hacer las pulseras de nudos necesitarás algunos cordones o un trozos de cuerda de colores que puedes encontrar en tiendas de manualidades y mercerias.
La forma de hacer la pulsera es realizando una serie de nudos con la técnica que veras a continuación.
Espero que os guste el tutorial.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

El bautizo de Gabriela

Midday at the ermita de San Juan in Torre del Compte and the christening party trek up from the village.

Es mediodía en la ermita de San Juan en Torre del Compte y el grupo del bautizo camina desde el pueblo.

Click left with the mouse on a photograph in order to see it full size.

For once it is a little overcast with quite a fresh brisk wind.

Por una vez está un poco nublado y hace un viento fresco.

Gabriela is not too concerned about all the fuss...

Gabriela no está demasiado preocupada por todo el alboroto ...

...but wonders what is going on when someone starts pouring water over her head.

...pero se pregunta qué está pasando cuando alguien comienza a verter agua sobre su cabeza.

The music group and choir are in full flow...

El grupo de música y el coro están actuando ...

...but mass at church can be so boring unless you can find other things to entertain you.

... pero la misa puede ser muy aburrida a menos que puedas encontrar otras cosas para entretenerte.

A posed photo...

Una foto posada ...

...and another. There aren't many "tie wearing" occasions around here.

...y otra. No hay muchas ocasiones para llevar corbata por aquí.

The family pose for their photo...

La familia posa para su foto ...

...and Gabriela, having found the whole experience rather exhausting, tries to take a quick nap in the arms of the proud grandmother.

... y Gabriela, cansada después de toda la experiencia, intenta echarse una siesta en brazos de su orgullosa abuela.

With many thanks to Raquel for helping with the Spanish translation.

Kellan Lutz at ESPN event

Oh my....Kellan is positively.....YUMMY!!! Thanks to TwiCrack Addict I was able to wake up to these yummy photos of Mr. Lutz at an ESPN event.

I'm loving the scruff!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Como hacer una flor de papel para decorar regalos

Con esta manualidad aprendereis como hacer una preciosa decoración en forma de flor de papel para regalos o para una tarjeta.
La flor de papel está hecha con papel para servilletas en dos colores.
Verás que es muy fácil de hacer y el resultado es una preciosa flor de papel con forma de narciso. 
Sólo necesitarás tijeras, un trozo de hilo y un lazo para unir la flor a tu regalo.

Parende como hacer otras manualidades con papel aquí.

To the Zaragoza fayre...

It's 8:30 and we set off on the coach with a group of pensionistas from our village to Zaragoza picking up other groups as we pass through a couple of neighbouring villages.

Click left on any image in order to see the photo full size.

This current feria, or fayre, is the 70th general fayre and runs from the 9th - 17th of October. Wednesday, the day we were there, was a special day for the more senior visitors with some special events and entertainment designed for them.

The buildings themselves are enormous with 9 pavilions as well as a main auditorium.

Events were also taking place outside such as this display by the parachute team.

Inside two pavilions were displays by local garages of new and second hand cars.

The food hall was packed with people and local produce of every description was on display...

...resulting in displays of some very colourful sweets,...

...bottles of herb liqueur,...

...baskets with the raw ingredients,...

...tea flavours to cure all ills,...

...more nuts and seeds than your average vegetarian would ever require,...

...and for the non-vegetarian, samples of fuet, and other various sausages.

After a hearty, meaty lunch with wine and cava, it was back to the main hall for some rousing jotas.

No one was going to drop off to sleep when this group were singing!

Further entertainment came in the form of magic acts,...

...traditional singing,...

...and dancing.

In another pavilion the army were putting their dogs through their paces...

...and demonstrating what our dog would do if we didn't feed her!
Another great day out!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Como hacer un estuche de lápices con fieltro

Os proponemos otra manualidad para los niños y para la vuelta al cole. Podéis aprender a hacer un estuche para los lápices de fieltro como este.
El fieltro es un material muy util para hacer manualidades con el que podemos elaborar todo tipo de objetos y decoraciones, como broches, flores de fieltro, marionetas y muchas otras creaciones.
Para hacer este estuche de fieltro necesitarás:
  • un trozo de fieltro del tamaño que quieras darle al estuche (un poco más largo que los lápices es lo ideal)
  • pegamento, no es necesario que sea una pistola de pegamento como en el vídeo.
  • tijeras
  • un botón grande
  • unos trozos de un lazo
Aqui os dejo el tutorial para hacer el estuche:

Mountains and sea!

We felt it was time for a short break so we decided to have a couple of days in Andorra where the capital of the co-principality is imaginatively called Andorra la Vella, (Old Andorra).

To see any photograph full size, click on it with the left mouse button.

According to the weather forecast we were to expect rain and temperatures as low as zero at night. However, despite a fresh start in the morning, when this photo was taken, we had relatively clear blue skies and it was quite warm.

The views of the Pyrenees were breathtaking...

...and we didn't see any snow.

Our next stop was at the Parador at Vic-Sau. The hotel is in a wonderful spot overlooking the Sau reservoir and this was the view from our bedroom window.

The following morning the entire valley had filled with mist which gradually burnt off in the heat of the sun.

Only 3 kilometres away down a narrow track is the 11th century Monestir de Sant Pere de Casserrers, St Peter's monastery, which had been restored, along with it's separate restaurant.

No, we didn't go on a helicopter ride to get this aerial photo; it's a photo of a photo on display in the monastery but it shows the sort of area we were in with the monastery in the middle.

Each column in the courtyard had been restored beautifully using original pieces where available.

We then had 2 further nights on the coast at Platja d'Aro, or the "beach of Aro" Unfortunately, the cloudy weather which had been forecast but we had avoided in Andorra caught up with us here but that didn't stop us driving up the Costa Brava to Cadaqués which has strong links with the art world being visited by Picasso, Miró and many others.

We continued our excursion by going to the Cap de Creus, the easternmost point in mainland Spain, passing by the home of Salvador Dali - maybe next time we shall pay it a visit!

Normally you can see right down the coast - today unfortunately, was different - but it looked good.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Como hacer un bolso de macramé

El macramé es una técnica con la que podeis elaborar pulseras, cinturones, colgadores para las plantas y muchas cosas más. En esta ocasión os enseñamos como podeis hacer un bolso de macramé.

Esta manualidad puede resultar un poco complicada si es la primera vez que utilizais esta técnica, pero si ya teneís algo de experiencia con los nudos y el hilo os resultará más fácil.

Los bolsos de macramé se hacen generalmente con un asa de plástico que podreis encontrar en tiendas o mercerias, también podeis utilizar algo que encontreis en casa.
Además necesitareis cuerda o hilos de lana o similar gruesos con los que tejer el bolso.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jackson Rathbone on the George Stroumboulopoulos's show

Girlfriend star Jackson Rathbone appeared on the George Stroumboulopoulos (say that five times, really fast!)Tonight, discussing going from being anonnoymous to everyone knowing his name.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Como Hacer Anillos de Abalorios

En este video podeis ver algunos de los anillos y conjuntos de joyeria realizados con abalorios de cristal y diversos tipos de piedras de Swarovski.
Entres los objetos de abalorios del video vereis sobretodo anillos pero también pendientes, pulseras, colgantes y collares. 

Podeis aprender como hacer estas creaciones en Anillos de Abalorios

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Como hacer una cartera con periodicos reciclados

Una buena manera de reciclar el papel de periódico o revistas es realizando manualidades con papel.
Hay una sencilla técnica que te servirá para realizar varios tipos de objetos, como carteras o cestas de papel con tiras de papel cruzadas.

Para hacer esta cartera reciclada, dobla las hojas de periódico formando tiras. Cuanto tengas varias tiras de papel doblado pégalas formando una cruz de forma que obtengas un tejido enrejado en cuadrículas.
En el siguiente video verás paso a paso como realizar una cartera con periódicos reciclados.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ashley Greene new face of Mark!

I've always liked the Mark products and became ubber excited when Ashley Greene became their spokesmodel. I've been reviewing all the new Mark magazine's hoping to get a glimpse but nothing until today! The website Daily Makeover posted the first pic of the actress as well as lending tips to achieve Ashley's look.

From Daily Makeover:
First of all, you'll need to dust Glowdacious Illuminating Powder in Prettied Up all over your dry face. Next, apply Just Pinched Instant Blush Tint in Spicy to the apples of your cheeks for a fabulous flush.

Get yourself an On The Dot Eye Color Compact and apply the second color in the top row over the entire lid, then use the first color in the middle row and the first color in the bottom row in the creases to add definition to your eyes. Use Lash Splash Hook Up Waterproof Mascara in Black on your lashes to make your eyes pop, Ashley style. Apply Lipclick Full Color Lipstick in Cha-Cha, blot and reapply for a great lip look with staying power. Voila! Ashley's makeup look from the ad!