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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions..

Monday, November 29, 2010

100 Monkeys - Kolpix Video

As you know the new 100 Monkeys video premiered in MTV last week.

New favorite quote:
Yeah we come together like butt cheeks! -Uncle Larry

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I've been viewing the updates for the Break Dawn filming and I've been some what ok with what I've seen but on JustJareJr. I saw this picture and literally had tears of joy....feathers....I'm allergic but never been so happy to see them.
Doing my happy dance!
From Bill Condon's Twitter:
“Happy Thanksgiving and a crazy Black Friday to all of you and yours.”

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Along the camino.

The colder weather is certainly on it's way but we have had some excellent days this last week.

For the full size picture click left on the image.

Walking up the track away from the village of Torre del Compte we have enjoyed some clear blue skies and some exceptional views.

The sunlight on the green foliage of the trees with the blue sky behind is awesome.

The (near) full moon rising in the east in the late afternoon sky was amazing... were the views towards the mountains, (Los Puertos de Beceite), which lie between us and the Mediterranean.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Como hacer un Papá Noel de origami

Aprende a hacer esta sencillo adorno navideño con papel.
Haz un Santa Claus o Papa Noel con origami doblando un trozo de papel rojo.
Para hacer este Papá Noel de origami intenta conseguir un pliego de papel que sea rojo por un lado y blanco por otro. Vete plegando el papel como se indica en el video y dibuja luego los ojos con un bolígrafo.
¡Espero que os guste!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adornos de Navidad

árbol de navidad de fieltro
Ahora que se acerca la época navideña os traemos una recopilación de ideas y manualidades para realizar adornos de navidad y otros objetos navideños.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ariadna has arrived!

Our friends Carmen and Raúl now have a baby daughter, Ariadna.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

She was born on Wednesday, 10 November at 16:45 and weighs 3.375 kg, (7lb 7oz).

Mother, baby and father are doing well.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Como hacer un anillo de abalorios paso a paso

Aprende como hacer un anillo con abalorios de cristal como este con las instrucciones que encontrarás en este tutorial.

En este video verás todos los pasos y el esquema para hacer de forma fácil un anillo con tupies de cristal como el modelo de la foto. Este tipo de anillos los llamamos, anillo de tres flores y la técnica para hacerlo es realmente sencilla.
Sólo necesitas hilo de nylon fino o hilo de sedal y abalorios de cristal, en el video te indican exactamente el tipo de abalorios y cuentas que puedes utilizar.
Aprende a hacer este y otros modelos de abalorios en anillos de abalorios

Súscribete al canal de youtube de Anillos de Abalorios para recibir otros videos con instrucciones de creaciones y joyeria con abalorios.

Espero que os guste el tutorial :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Breaking Dawn filming in Rio 2

Ok I some how missed the kissing pic!!

Bella & Edward....(((sigh)))

I just might forgive the dark hair.

Source: Thinking of Rob

Breaking Dawn filming in Rio

Its not secret the crew of Breaking Dawn have been in Rio de Janeiro filming the Isle of Esme scenes. And I'm happy to see the pics and all but....and I hate to be a bitch....but what is up with Rob's hair?
Um....Edward has bronze hair not BLACK! Please tell me they're planning to fix that with special effects of something.
Source: RPattzNews

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

No Oridinary Family Sneak Peek

On November 9th Jackson Rathbone's No Ordinary Life episodes airs and ABC released a clip!
Dear Jackson,
You're allowed to move your mouth.
Just sayin!

Source: Just Jared Jr.

Grasshopper porn!

What's going on here then?

Haz clic con el botón de izquierda del ratón para ver la foto en tamaño grande.

A warm autumn afternoon and with nothing else to do, what could be better to pass the time than what these 2 are getting up to?

The wall is vertical but there was no chance of falling off for this pair.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kristen Stewart LA Times Outtakes

Welcome to the Rileys and Twilight Saga star Kristen Stewart sat down with LA Times to discuss her new role in Welcome to the Rileys and dealing with fame. Here are some of the photos taken for the interview.

Interview: LA Times

Source: Everglow

Monday, November 1, 2010

New/Old Photos of Rob Pattinson....looking HOT!

Holy smokes batman its new photos of ROB looking FUCKING HAWT! Sorry I don’t know if I should lay down an die from all the hotness or stare at my computer screen until I’m a puddle of drool. I’m not sure where these pics were taken I just know it was during the Water for Elephant filming…..damn I need some water to cool me off!

I like to pretend he's texting me....(((sigh))) ok that's a lie but still!

Enjoying a cigarette on a nice sunny afternoon in Los Angeles....damn

He's such a fucking TEASE!!!
He looks likes an attorney in this photo....yummers!
No comment.....
I don't usually like mirrored glasses but HOT damn!
Source: Robsessed


It's become a tradition in the last couple of years for witches, vampires and other creatures of the night to meet in Torre del Compte for a celebration of Hallowe'en.

Click the photo for the large view.

At the local bar God and a pirate start the evening with a quick drink.

Later, back at their meeting place, the vampires and others assemble.

Before they enter, they pose for a very rare photo.

Even witches have birthdays and it is customary to give presents.

Count Dracula and friend are members of the guests.

And after a splendid meal, the birthday cake is brought to the table.

Now they will all go away until next year.