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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monólogo informático: Video de Orlas 2011

Ya hace unas semanas que celebramos el día de la entrega de orlas del Ciclo Superior de Informática que acabé. En nuestra ceremonia hablaron en el nombre de nuestro curso Sergio y Dani sobre nuestra "amada" informática, un buen monólogo que se marcaron para finalizarlo de manera horrible cuando salgo yo haciendo de "segurata" sobre el final y llevándome a Sergio por la fuerza con Dani. Espero que os guste el vídeo y el monólogo y mi corta aparición, podéis comentar gentucilla.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Un Pato en Nueva York *GIVEAWAY*

"Can you put on the hipopótamo song? Please???"

This is the question I get every time we pile into our minivan.

This song and other catchy, silly tunes come with the book, Un Pato en Nueva York.

First of all, I love reading books that are completely in Spanish. Second, I LOVE it when my kids can hear it read by a native speaker. Yes, this is a book that comes with a CD with the story read aloud and it has additional fun songs to sing/dance to.

Un Pato en Nueva York is a cute little story about a duck who dreams of dancing on Broadway and he fulfills his dream. The voice 0f Inés Cánepa as the reader and singer is delightful. It is very fun and engaging for my children. The illustrations in the book are unique and fun to look at as well!

I think the biggest bonus to this book and audiobook is the additional song tracks on the CD. My children's favorite is a song about having a hippopotamus as a friend. Other songs include a pop song about washing clothes, another about loving tomatoes and a song dedicated to their ombligos (belly button!). This is definitely are current favorite CD in the car :)

We have TWO Un Pato en Nueva York books (includes CD with extra songs) to giveaway to Wanna Jugar with Migo readers!

Want to win one?

This is what you have to do:

*Click here to read more about this book and listen to one of the song. Come back to this post and make a comment telling us why you want to win this Book & CD.

*Leave your e-mail if you don't check our blog regularly

Do you want a better chance of winning?

After completing the first mandatory entry above, you can make additional entries by doing the following...

*Become a follower of this blog by clicking Follow on the box to the right. Make another comment on this post. If you are already a follower, that counts!

*Blog or Tweet about this giveaway linking back to this post. Make one comment on this post. (Just one tweet or blog post :)

*Subscribe via e-mail or subscribe via feed by clicking on the box to the right. (You may need to scroll down) Make another comment on this post. If you already do, that counts.

*Like our page on facebook by clicking here. Come back and make a comment.

This contest ends July 9th at 10PM Central Time.

GIVEAWAY CLOSED: WINNERS ARE #22 Christy and #9 Artsy Momma

Contest Rules- You can enter only up to five times for the contest by doing each one of the instructions above. You can only win one signed book. Contest ends July 9th at 10 PM Central Time. The winner will be chosen randomly. Comments must provide a name, no completely anonymous. Only USA addresses, sorry. I will announce the winner on July 21st and the winner must e-mail me within 72 hours. If you provide an e-mail, we will e-mail you.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

¡San Juan!

It's San Juan and to celebrate we have a meal on the terrace with family and friends.

We are not celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary until next month and here is the cake to prove it! (Click on the photo to enlarge it in order to read the inscription on the cake.)

It is customary in Spain to cut the cake with a sword - we have one each!

After the meal a challenging game of table football...

...then later in the evening, dancing on the street to a live band.

Here's to the next 39 years and 11 months.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Memes Chorras 3

Parecerá mentira si os lo digo, pero no, hace casi 5 días que hice este meme y se me ocurrió publicarls hoy así que aquí os los dejo con la esperanza de que os guste tanto como los otros que he ido haciendo. Gracias a tod@s y comentad comentad que es la salsa del blog xD. ¡ Venga un abrizo !

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer's in full swing!

Summer time, and the livin' is easy,...

...hydrangea's flowering...

...and the hebe's in bloom.

Nisperos are rippening,...

...and the grapes are hangin',

etc, etc.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Verdades como puños de Chuck Norris 12

Buenas gente, hoy como véis ando ocupado casi siempre pero traigo algo que os suele gustar, frases de Chuck Norris y sus paridas, como siempre en negrita lo que yo invento y normal lo que no. Podéis comentar como siempre e incluso criticar, pero a poder ser con respeto no como algun que otro anónimo que se ve que se aburre y no tiene vida o la envidia le corroe, pero allá él y su aburrimiento y pérdida de tiempo en comentar insultando.

Vivimos en un universo en expansión. Todo él intenta huir de Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris es lo que va antes de Alfa y después de Omega.

Una vez Chuck Norris tuvo una erección tumbado boca abajo. Encontró un yacimiento de petróleo.

El presidente de los EEUU Truman decidió no lanzar a Chuck Norris en Hiroshima, ya que era demasiado cruel. En su lugar, decidió lanzar las flatulencias de Chuck Norris, ya que era más humano.

Chuck Norris hizo llorar a Jean Claude Van Damme con sólo mirarlo.

El monstruo del Lago Ness existió en su día, era un parásito intestinal de Chuck Norris. Naturalmente Chuck acabó con su vida.

Chuck Norris creó el efecto mariposa. Un día dio una patada giratoria y al siguiente Tailandia era absorbida por un Tsunami.

Un día que Chuck Norris estaba aburrido decidió irse a los países del Este para matar a sus habitantes a base de pellizcos en los ojos... los supervivientes son ahora conocidos como Asiáticos ( Japoneses, chinos, Koreanos...).

Una vez, Chuck Norris pateó a un caballo en la barbilla. Sus descendientes son conocidos hoy en día como jirafas.

Chuck Norris ganó a Vettel en la Fórmula 1 conduciendo el vehículo de Pedro Picapiedra.

Cuando Chuck Norris manda su declaración de la renta, envía los formularios en blanco e incluye una foto suya, en guardia y listo para atacar. Chuck Norris nunca ha tenido que pagar sus impuestos.

George Bush sólo recibió un voto en las elecciones presidenciales tras su primer mandato: el de Chuck Norris. Evidentemente, fue reelegido como presidente de los EEUU.

El material mas duro no es el Diamante, es el Chuck Norris.

Se comenta que los oponentes de Chuck Norris en Walker eran condenados a muerte.

Nietzsche escribió: Dios ha muerto. Firmado: Nietzsche. Cuando murió, apareció una pintada: Nietzsche ha muerto. Firmado: Dios. Chuck Norris escribió en su diario: Hoy he matado a Nietzsche por inyectarse drogas. Mañana voy a por Dios. Dios murió. De una patada giratoria.

Los sueldos son tan bajos por el canon Chuck Norris, que pagan todos los países por no ser arrasados de una patada giratoria de Chuck.

Lo que pocos saben es que el movimiento 15-M lo inició Chuck Norris. Amenazó a los jóvenes con una patada giratoria si no espabilaban y luchaban por sus derechos. Tambien es la causa de que la Policia haya dejado acampar sin problemas en Sol.

Chuck Norris es el único conductor que va por la derecha en Inglaterra y no ha tenido un sólo accidente.

La curvatura espacio tiempo sólo es uno de los efectos de la patada giratoria de Chuck Norris.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another day in the country.

When you see those buildings in the middle of the country, just 3 or 4 large sheds...

...with large tanks outside of them, do you know what is in them?

Pigs, or in this case, over 2,000 piglets. And the smell is overpowering!!

Such a farm near Valderrobres is managed by our friends where we went for a meal to celebrate Joaquin's birthday with his wife, Rosa Marie.

The meal was in their renovated farmhouse, only one room...

...and the cooking was done outside. Today we are having "arroz del huerto" which translates as "rice of the allotment" or "rice garden".

Basically, it is pieces of pork and rabbit on the bone, snails, red peppers and onions fried together then rice and water added and finally garnished with courgette flowers.

While the rice is cooking, we enjoy a first course of prawns and salad with smoked salmon.

To celebrate Joaquin's birthday there is a special cake. May he have many more - delicious!!

Meanwhile, Joaquin works out the complexities of some of his presents!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memes Chorras 2

Hace unos días que los hice pero he decidido programar esta entrada para el viernes a la 1 de la madrugada, espero que os gusten los 2 nuevos memes que he hecho y que os riáis un poco con ellos. Podéis comentar impresiones, gracias a tod@s.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Encinacorba is a small village some 146 km to the west of us, about 2½ hours away and 760 metres above sea level. It is also the village where one of our friends comes from so a group of us were invited there for the day.

The weather could have gone either way but as it turned out it was a glorious warm, sunny day with hardly a breeze.

The church is in the Mudéjar style and is virtually a mini-cathedral. The main difference between this and actual cathedrals we have been in is that the people here are so proud of their church we were given a guided tour and encouraged to take photos.

It is remarkable to find such a grand church as this in a small village, population around 100.

Brick rather than stone is the main building material here. Lots of buildings have been renovated and look very presentable.

A local spring and trough ensures your horse never needs to go thirsty around here.

And then it was onwards and upwards another 160 metres to the ermita for our paella.

We could actually eat inside as there was a room at the back of the ermita for just that purpose.

Outside, the wildlife and the flowers were flourishing... the peace and tranquility.

Another fantastic day out.

Montajes Chorras V 20.0 made in Juanjo

Buenas gente, hace unos dias que no posteo nada nuevo así que he tenido unos diitas pa prepararme unas cosillas, de momento hoy tenéis estos 2 montajes que espero que os gusten como en otras entregas, hoy toca la niña y su padre y otro de Pico Paco y Elmo. Como siempre podéis comentar, se agraden las opiniones. Saludos y gracias a  tod@s por visitarme siempre que podéis.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Saturday morning and I am the designated driver for 4 members of the Amas de Casa of Torre del Compte to visit an exhibition of patchwork and lacemaking presented by the Amas de Casa group in the (relatively) nearby village of Calanda.

The exhibition is taking place in the very large Multiusos hall and has specialist stalls selling everything you would need to produce lace - except the know how!

People are there from not just the local villages but from far and wide across the region.

Rosario, Rosi, (wearing her Amas de Casa t-shirt), Carmen and Margaret, pose for a photograph in front of a patchwork bedspread.

Young and old settle down to practise their skills at bobbin lacemaking...

...while some designs just look so incredibly complicated!

It's good to see that these activities are still thriving.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


This has been a terrific season for cherries - this region is renowned for the quality of this fruit.

As you can see from these photos, they are exceptional.

It took us quite a while but we now have 21 large jars of these cherries to enjoy in the coming months.