Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wild Boar stew

Monday 30th April
Today is a "bank holiday" or a fiesta day and so is tomorrow because it's the 1st of May. So why, I hear you ask, is Monday a holiday? Because it's a puente or "bridging day" so therefore everyone can have a long weekend. That is why we have so many more people in the village as they have come from Barcelona, Zaragoza and other places where they live and work to be here for the holiday weekend. Last Monday, the 23rd, was also a holiday - it was St George's day and he is the patron saint of Aragón as well as other regions of the world where he is not celebrated to the same extent.

Last year a hunting party from the village killed several wild boar or jabilí and many of the villagers, including us, went down to the bar/restaurant for a meal of boar and potato stew. A few weeks ago when the marcha was being planned Pablo bagged a boar so 13 of us had stew in Rosi and Pablo's garage. However, the stew is much better as it's Rosi's own recipe and contains potatoes, artichoke hearts, alcachofas, asparagus, espárrago, and peppers, pimientos. This is accompanied by bread, red and rosé wine, salads and followed by the local desserts, postres, of apple pie, almond pie and a type of swiss roll. At the end of the meal the receipts for the food, etc are added up and the bill comes to €3.50 per head - I remarked that eating with friends was cheaper than eating at home!


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