Sunday, June 29, 2008

¡San Juan!

Although it was John the Baptist's "official day" on Tuesday 24th, it was celebrated here on Saturday in order to enable people to get to the village for the celebration from the cities. There was the customary service in the ermita de San Juan, (opposite our house), at midday during which Margaret read a short prayer, in Spanish, along with 5 other congregants.

Click left on any picture to see it full size.

After the service it was back to our house with friends from the peña we belong to for a meal in the bodega...

...and it was my favourite dish of paella.

In the evening the "group" arrived and we had dancing in the street in front of our house - not quite Glastonbury but it was a perfect evening and there were free drinks, Cava and soft drinks, and cakes and pastries being served. Can you spot Margaret in this photo?

The "group" used electricity from our house and positioned themselves just in front of the heap of pebbles which hadn't found their way onto the garden around the trees yet - more on that topic soon. Watch this space!

As the sun got lower in the west, the ermita became a lovely golden colour. (Margaret is on the right hand edge of this photo.)

After the dancing it was back to our bodega for ham, carved here by Pablo, and bread with tomatoes rubbed on along with cheeses, olives and crisps as well as plenty to drink until the early hours.

Well at least they seem to be enjoying it!


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