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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We're in the newspaper!

In "La Comarca" of Tuesday 27th January, the bi-weekly newspaper of Aragón, we were there!

Margaret, the "neighbour of the locality", may have said these words; "We like a lot the fiesta and to live in Torre del Compte". However, in true newspaper reporter style the name came out wrong. Probably somewhere in the course of the evening the reporter would have asked, "what is/are your name/s?", to which the reply would have been, "Margaret y Colin". An easy mistake to make.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Como hacer punto: Corazón de punto

Para el día de San Valentín aquí tienes una divertida idea para regalar o para decorar tu casa. Un corazón hecho de lana tejida.
En el video de enseñan todos los pasos para hacer este corazón de punto. Verás que es muy fácil hacer punto siguiendo estas instrucciones.
Si eliges lana rosa o roja quedará perfecto.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Como hacer un disfraz de pirata

Llegan los carnavales y puedes empezar a preparar tu propio disfraz. Aqui te enseñanos a hacer un gorro para el disfraz de pirata, el video es un poco lento al principio pero creo que explica muy bien los pasos.
Si tienes un poco de habilidad con la aguja no te costará mucho hacer el gorro de pirata utilizando unos pantalones viejos o un trozo de tela negra. El gorro va cosido con hilo dental, pero puedes coserlo con cualquier tipo de hilo.
Espero que vuestro disfraz de pirata quede bonito.

Más instrucciones para hacer disfraces aquí.

Como hacer una careta

Esta es una manualidad fácil y divertida para hacer con los niños. Prepara los disfraces para carnaval imprimiendo y pintando esta careta de Mickey Mouse. Puedes hacerla sobre papel o cartón, utiliza una goma para sujetarla.

Encontrarás más dibujos para pintar y caretas que puedes imprimir y recortar en: como dibujar

Saturday, January 24, 2009

San Anton

A special mass is held for San Anton in the Church. It is still very windy outside so the statue has to stay inside this year - hopefully San Anton will get to see the village and we will follow him in a procession next year. The Church has it's central heating system working again - a patio heater in the central aisle - well at least it's central and it gives off heat.

Click left on any picture to see it full size.

The group of musicians play their usual selection throughout the service.

After the service, 2 "devils" go from door to door visiting every house in the village to collect a gift of food or drink.

They are accompanied by a brass band so you can hear them coming.

In the afternoon all the food is taken to the village hall where it is auctioned off to the various peña groups. Margaret's mince pie raised 27 euros! A total of 2,600 euros was raised in the auction this year. The raffle, for the butchered pork, raised a further 800 euros. All the money goes to the town hall and is spent on various works that take place for the village.

A rum concoction is carefully brewed.

When it is ready, it is handed out to everyone there, it certainly helps to encourage higher bids for the food and drink!

When each piece of food or drink has been auctioned, the brass band play a fanfare. The auction lasted for 4½ hours.

Finally it was time to eat all the food - and yes, it was our peña who won Margaret's mince pie in the auction - delicious.

Origami: plegar una carta sin sobre

Seguramente has visto alguna vez una carta plegada de tal manera que no necesita sobre. Es una bonita manera de plegar cartas o mensajes haciendo un paquete con técnica origami. Aprende con los pasos de este video:

Friday, January 23, 2009

San Anton's eve

Click left on any picture for a larger view

It's the eve of San Anton so we go to the Plaza Mayor for the bonfire - it's a good way of getting rid of the Christmas tree plus any dead olive trees. This evening, it is very windy, there are severe gales in north western Spain and south west France and we are getting our share here.

Most events are reported on and appear in the local newspaper or on local TV. Here Margaret and Lola are going over some of the finer points of what to say in the interview.

The bonfire is going really well and then every so often there is an almighty gust of wind and embers fly everywhere. Our peña group barbeque sausages and pork slices which we eat in chunks of bread.

San Anton is the patron saint of animals - maybe that's why a pig is killed and butchered. These days the pig is despatched before it is brought, previously the whole thing took place on the night.

Bits of pork from the pig are fried and these are served in more bread. You certainly can't complain of being hungry at these events. The remainder of the pig is raffled and the draw takes place tomorrow after the auction - more about that in the following bulletin.

Como hacer un corazón de origami

Se acerca la fiesta de San Valentín así que este trabajo de origami con papel es perfecto para que aprendas a hacerlo ahora y se lo regales a tu ser querido.
En el video verás los pasos para hacer el corazón de papel, elige un trozo de papel cuadrado de colores vistosos o utiliza papel de regalo.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cómo hacer disfraces de Carnaval

Si te gusta hacer tus propios disfrazes aquí tienes una estupenda idea para tu disfraz de Carnaval. Aprende a hacer tú mismo un sencillo disfraz de Caballero con armadura, realizado con cartón.
El siguiente video te explica como elaborarlo paso a paso, las instrucciones son en inglés, pero en el video se ve claramente como elaborarlo así que no te perderás.

Friday, January 9, 2009

¡Nieve! (Snow!)

It started snowing very lightly late morning but has been somewhat heavier this afternoon.

Click left on any picture to see it full size.

There is virtually no wind so the snow has just drifted down and settled.

Now we have a couple of inches on the ground!

The branches of the trees, almond and olive, look as though they are straight off a Christmas card.

The weather forecast for the week ahead says there is a good chance of rain along with cloud and some sun but no more snow.

We'll just have to make the most of this!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

5th January, 3 Kings

Click on the photo for a full size view.

Monday, January 5th is the evening of the Three Kings. At 18:45 we go down to the village through the Plaza Mayor to meet everyone outside the ayuntamiento. In the Plaza Mayor are the decorated Christmas tree and the "Felices Fiestas" lights.

Lunes, 5 de enero es la tarde de los tres reyes magos. A las 18:45 bajamos a el pueblo a la plaza mayor y nos reunimos cada uno fuera del ayuntamiento. En el plaza mayor están el árbol de Navidad adornado y las luces de las fiestas de “Felices Fiestas ".

As we approach we can see a group of people who have their candle torches already lit. In the background is the tower of the church.

Mientras nos acercamos podemos ver que un grupo de gente que tiene sus antorchas de la vela ya encendidas. En el fondo está la torre de la iglesia.

This year, the church tower has a star illumination on it for Christmas.

Este año, la torre de la iglesia tiene una iluminación de una estrella en ella para Navidad.

We are given a torch and finally get them lit as they are new.

Nos dan una antorcha y finalmente conseguimos encenderlas pues son nuevas.

We follow the tractor and the trailer with the Three Kings and their pages on down to the Church.

Seguimos al tractor y el remolque con los tres reyes magos y sus pajes hasta la iglesia.

A king waves as he gets back onto the trailer.

Un rey saludar mientras que él consigue detrás legar al remolque.

When all the kings and their pages are seated, the tractor sets off for the hall next to the bar / restaurant.

Cuando se sientan todos los reyes y sus pajes, el tractor se dirige para la sala al lado de la bar/ del restaurante.

The candlelit procession follows through the darkened streets.

La procesión de las luces sigue a través de las calles oscurecidas.

We walk back past the ayuntamiento. Outside the hall, we extinguish our torches in a bucket of water.

Caminamos detrás hasta el ayuntamiento. Fuera de la sala, apagamos nuestras antorchas en un cubo de agua.

The kings take their positions on the stage.

Los reyes toman sus posiciones en la sala.

Do you recognise this king?

¿Usted reconoce a este rey?

The page reads the village proclamation.

El paje lee la proclamación del pueblo.

Everyone pays attention.

Cada uno presta atención.

Then, the names of the children are read out and they go to receive their gifts from one of the kings.

Entonces, los nombres de los niños se leen y van a recibir sus regalos de uno de los reyes.

Not only children but adults too receive presents from the kings.

No solamente los niños reciben regalos, los adultos también reciben regalos de los reyes.

With many thanks to Pilar for help with the Spanish version.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Caja de Origami para regalos

Otra idea para envolver y decorar tus regalos, aprende a hacer una cajita de papel con origami, la técnica de plegado de papel japonesa, similar a la papiroflexia.
En el video encontrarás todas las instrucciones para hacer esta caja.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Como hacer una caja de regalo de papel

Envuelve tus regalos de reyes de forma original haciendo esta cajita con papel de colores.
Las instrucciones y todos los pasos para hacer tu caja de regalo se explica en este video:

Más instrucciones para hacer cajitas de cartón aquí.