Friday, January 23, 2009

San Anton's eve

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It's the eve of San Anton so we go to the Plaza Mayor for the bonfire - it's a good way of getting rid of the Christmas tree plus any dead olive trees. This evening, it is very windy, there are severe gales in north western Spain and south west France and we are getting our share here.

Most events are reported on and appear in the local newspaper or on local TV. Here Margaret and Lola are going over some of the finer points of what to say in the interview.

The bonfire is going really well and then every so often there is an almighty gust of wind and embers fly everywhere. Our peña group barbeque sausages and pork slices which we eat in chunks of bread.

San Anton is the patron saint of animals - maybe that's why a pig is killed and butchered. These days the pig is despatched before it is brought, previously the whole thing took place on the night.

Bits of pork from the pig are fried and these are served in more bread. You certainly can't complain of being hungry at these events. The remainder of the pig is raffled and the draw takes place tomorrow after the auction - more about that in the following bulletin.


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