Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A night with 100Monkeys

The night started with Josh (my future ex husband) and Mikey, next newcomer Amy, then Uncle Larry's brother's band The What's Ups played some covers (they had a fake go go dancer....odd) with this amazing drummer. I can see he will have a great future, he just soaking up all the knowledge from Uncle Larry and co. Then the 100 Monkeys came out. Even though Jackson Rathbone wasn't there with his fellow Monkeys - the show went on. It was more entertaining this time around and seems like the guys went with the vibe of the music. The drummer Ben Johnson sang some lead vocals which proves this band has more hidden talents. They play 2 new songs one was called Gus and the second.....I missed the title. After the 100Monkeys the Sandman came out and since he's gotten a band he's MUCH BETTER!!!! He actually rocks out. His drummer Ya-Ya sang a song. Unfortunately there wasn't a jam session tonight.


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