Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Monday BBQ

In the morning, 3 of us went into Alcañiz and met 4 others to do the shopping for the BBQ. At 13.30 we all set off to the site for the BBQ, just outside the village of Arnes which is 24 kms away from Torre del Compte. It is the first village you come to in the Tarragona district of Cataluña and at this point the river Algars marks the division between the 2 provinces.

Click left on any picture to see it full size.

There was plenty of water in the river as we have had quite a lot of rain recently.

In fact, there is quite a lot of water around Arnes as it is at the foot of the mountain range known as Els Ports which is between us and the Mediterranean.

The garden area, where we were having the BBQ, even had it's own stream which was most useful for washing the cooked peppers. See last years Easter Monday BBQ to see what we had to eat - it's traditional to have the same.

The meat is cooked by the men and this year it was cooked on the purpose built BBQ.

It was a glorious afternoon as we sat down to eat.

One great thing about eating outside at this time of year is that you don't have to compete with flying insects.

The meal took place under a large cherry tree which was in full blossom.

After the meal the traditional walk took in the local ermita...

...and, of course, the river...

...as well as the site of the old laundry for the village...

...the river water was very clean.

Everyone, including Rasky the dog, had a great time.


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