Tonight I went to a screening of Jackson Rathbone's new film Dread, he plays Stephen Grace who conducts a Fear study with new found friend Quaid, along with his friend Cheryl Fromm.
Stephen leads a pretty quiet and dull life with few friends, he has his own demons from his past but he honestly has a grasp on reality. In walks Quaid with this Fear study idea that Stephen finds intriguing and soon the Dread study begins. But Quiad wants to take it further, he wants Stephen and Cheryl to face their biggest fears and will do whatever it takes to make them face the 'Beast'.
Overall dread is actually a good movie but very gory, if blood makes squeamish then you'll be like me and hide your face in your hoodie. There were several What the Eff?!?! moments because you were not sure if it was an illusion or real. Rathbone plays Stephen with ackward artistic quiet charm just when you think Stephen was weak he'd come back with quiet strength.
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