Once again, in keeping with the UK spirit, the band Coldplay may indeed be included on the New Moon soundtrack. The all-knowing "Oracle" on the band's website had this response to a fan's question:
June 12, 2009 - submitted by Julie, United States of America
Q. Dear all-knowing Oracle
I heard a rumor that The Scientist by Coldplay (obviously) was going to be on the New Moon soundtrack. Is this true?
Peace, luv,
Julie <3
The Oracle replies:
It's very likely that a Coldplay song will end up on the soundtrack to the Twilight sequel given that Stephenie Meyer has credited Coldplay, amongst others, on the inner sleeve for "being instrumental in staving off the writer's block".
According to Stephenie Meyer, the band actually plays a big part for her in the entire Saga. They are listed on the playlist's for each published book. They weren't listed for Midnight Sun, but may just be found there if she completed it. So, even if they don't make the cut for New Moon, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they'll make it into one of the movie's soundtracks before it's over with.
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