Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's snowing (again)

Three weeks ago we had snow - see the blog entry for December 14th 2009. That snow lasted almost a week without snowing any more as it was so cold then. Since then it has been reasonably mild, we haven't had a frost, with only a couple of wet days. We have been very lucky as in some regions of Spain, mainly to the south of the country, it has been raining non-stop causing extensive flooding. However, the snow which has covered the U.K. in the last few days has worked it's way down through France and has reached us.

The small tree in the photo above is a nísperos. Click HERE to find out more about the fruit. It flowered in the late autumn, (and was very fragrant), and the fruit is developing over the winter in order to be eaten in the spring.

Also in the garden we have a couple of very large agave. Click HERE to learn more about them. These plants seem to endure the cold spells during winter and of course relish the heat of the summers.

As usual, the ermita looks magnificent as the backdrop in any circumstance...

...but the fountain looks a little dejected in the snow!

Currently it is just drizzling snow, (I'm sure the Inuit indians have a name for that). However, the forecast is for it to clear in the next few days. We certainly hope so. We've already had our snow for this season and people say it's only likely to snow in this area once every ten years! Make that every winter for the last 5 since we got here!


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