Monday, May 10, 2010

Oprah Show Preview puts TwiHards in a frenzy!

*Check out that smirk....over and over...*

Unless you are under a rock somewhere, all TwiHards are very informed that Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning appearance on Oprah will air on May 13, 2010! If you are on Twitter then you knew the frenzy that took place earlier today in Twitterville with this fantastic preview! Though many of us hoped to have gotten the opportunity to be at that show we just weren't as fortunate as others. Well the next best thing is to TiVo or DVR Oprah and watch our adorable Rob Pattinson be all awkward and smirky!

P.S.-Who would have thought that a brown shirt can could make one man so damn sexy? Loving the shirt and color Rob!

Tune in on May 13th to catch the crowd go wild as the casts discusses The Twilight Saga's: Eclipse with Oprah! Take a look at the debut commercial below to get all excited! Now if this doesn't give you the giggles or make you shudder, WHAT KIND OF FAN ARE YOU?!

Rob, if you would have surprised me at my house, I wouldn't have attacked you, JSYK! Instead I would have offered you some beer! Now what sounds more appealing?

Check more at Rob Pattinson Life for screen shots and more!


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