Sunday, May 8, 2011

XI Marcha por Caminos and Fideuà

At 8:30am there is quite a crowd in the Plaza Mayor having their breakfast; pieces of chocolate, galletas and of course a hearty drink, for strength.

It is an excellent morning especially after the storms that we had the previous evening.

The group photo.
(I only wear this hat once a year and today's the day!)

En route the flowers are in full bloom. Blue,...


...and yellow.

We pass by an old masía in the middle of nowhere.

At the first control point, at around 5km, there is water to drink and a bag of almonds for sustenance.

The walkers then head off on the remaining 10km of the walk while we head back to the village as we have to prepare the stall for the Amas de Casa.

While we are waiting for the return of the walkers, the fideuà is being prepared. First you add the meat to a pan containing a little oil...

...and stir over a medium heat.

Meanwhile, prepare the garlic.

Add the peppers...

...a little tomato purée...

...and some chopped tomato.

Margaret models one of the bags for sale.

In goes the seafood and water...

...and finally the fideu itself.

Margaret continues selling to the end, in fact, after the end, as people came to buy during the meal when everything had been put away!

The meal is served onto plates...

...and here it is - delicious, best yet!

The group tuck in...

...and 300 people have a very good time.


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