Sunday, August 19, 2007

¡FIESTA! day three

The womens group have an exhibition of their work during the fiesta in the ayuntamiento, town hall, and Margaret was asked to display three of her pieces she had worked on this year.

This is a Thai carving bought in Epping many years ago that Margaret had painted. It was tastfully displayed above Lola's mother-in-laws crocheted bed cover.

Click left on any image to see it full size.

The second piece was a piece of blackwork which Margaret started over thirty years ago with almost one part of the leaf pattern completed. And so, earlier this year she was able to pick it up again and complete it making up the remainder of the pattern. It is supposed to be a cushion cover but it is so good we decided to have it framed.

In our bodega is a coat of arms of the family who lived here before. This gave us the idea to produce our own coat of arms and we bought the "blank" in a local craft shop. Together we worked out the design and Margaret painted it onto the the "blank". We were so pleased with it we had it framed.

Margaret explains some of the finer points of her blackwork to our friends.

Tonights meal being prepared - it's sausage, bacon and eggs, but not as we know it!

In go the eggs...

...and for postre, (pudding), this evening we have a
speciality from Chus.

It's 1:00 am so it's time for Pablo to set off more of his rocket bombs
just to make sure the fiesta goes off literally with a bang!


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