Friday, August 31, 2007

The fiesta of San Ramón

Everyone is in their Sunday best for the midday mass and the statue of San Ramón is carried around the village leading the procession just the same as it was on Saturday 18th when it all started, (see ¡FIESTA! Day two).

The main difference is that this afternoon in the Plaza Mayor, there is paella for the whole village.

Click left on any image for a larger view.

We are sitting at tables according to our peña underneath shade from very large nets strung across the entire square - I'm still wearing my hat though!

There are at least 400 people sitting down for this meal.

When the paella is ready everyone forms a couple of orderly queues - have you spotted Margaret yet?
Although bread and wine is included with the paella with a peach for postre, other drinks and postres are provided by the peña. At one table after the meal one chap has brought his guitar and a spontaneous sing-a-long takes place.

After the meal the main square is cleared and prepared for the obligatory disco which goes on into the early hours - I heard it at 3 am still going strong!

And then, that's it until next time, this fiesta has drawn to a close, the families will say farewell to their grandparents over the weekend and return to their homes in Barcelona and Zaragoza and the village will return to being a sleepy and tranquil pueblo and we can all enjoy some peace and quiet - thank goodness that's all over!


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