Yeah I know the title doesn't rhyme and for a writer I should be able to think of something much cuter but hey, it's early, I have two kids and a dog at home all circling around me wanting attention and I'm just wanting to spread the word about 100 Monkeys so here it is!
We've been lucky enough to see 100 Monkeys play a number of times and I have to say, each time I'm more impressed. My first post for today (yes, only my first :)) I just wanted to share a few photos of those Monkeys we love so much. The first, our lovely Team Moose sister, Ana got while in San Fran this past weekend. I can't believe we have 100 Monkeys taking a picture with JTM. He's is one lucky moose. Personally I think next time it should be a lovely coven mother, hmmm, let's just say me for example should be in the middle of that picture too. Yeah, I'm liking that idea more and more. 100 Monkeys, if you're out there, how about it? LOL.
Coven sister, Tammy (damn lucky woman who lives close enough to walk to 24k every Tuesday) made it to last nights show. Lovin' Jackson's outfit here. Can you say, yum? Yes, I think so.
That's all from me for now! I'll be back later with a first hand account of last nights wonderful show and hopefully more pictures! If you get a chance to see 100 Monkeys....DO. They're amazing. So talented that you just want can't help but come back for more. I'll leave you with a poem I wrote for them.
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