Saturday, February 7, 2009

Santa Agueda

The day of Santa Agueda is for the ladies - (Agueda was martyred in the 3rd century). Here, all the women of the village meet for breakfast in the bar then assemble for mass in the church in the afternoon.

Click left on any photo to see it full size.

This year it was the turn of our peña to organise the event so for the church service and procession everyone wore traditional costume. Margaret wore a spare costume of Rosi's.

Everyone assembled outside the ayuntamiento for the short walk to the church. Not sure about jeans and quilted coat being traditional, but it was very cold.

In the basket above are small cakes being taken to church in order to be blessed. The cakes are small and round with a cherry on top and represent breasts - Santa Agueda had hers removed!

In the smaller baskets above is more broken up cake which is blessed with holy water during the service and then handed out to the congregation as they leave.

Part of the service involves carrying the statue of Santa Agueda around the village and then back into the church.

To see the video of the procession, click here.

After the service, all the ladies go to the bar to eat the cakes, drink cava and dance to music played by the music group who play and sing in the church. For one number, all members of the peña participated in the singing even though Margaret could only mime as she didn't know the words.

An innovative feature this year was "entertainment" and we had all been busy rehearsing at our house the previous week. In the sketch above, "At the Doctors", Margaret played the "sexy nurse", a non-speaking part. It was hilarious!

To see a slightly shorter version of the sketch, 9 minutes 47 seconds, (YouTube have a 10 minute limit), click here.

Next up was the "Scottish Dancing" piece where we both took part and choreographed it with authentic moves. It was very well received, especially the ending when we all flipped up our kilts to show what was worn underneath!

The third and final piece of entertainment was "the Lina Morgan" tribute - she's big in Spain and everyone knows her songs. Once again, a huge success.

To see Floyd's videos of the 3 entertainment sketches, click here.

And then we had a meal in the restaurant to round off a most memorable day!


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