Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sam Bradley Talks to J-14 About Twilight, New Moon & Pal, Robert Pattinson

J-14 magazine recently sat down with Sam Bradley, co-writer of the song 'Never Think' sung by his longtime friend, Robert Pattinson, in Twilight. Here are a few tidbits. More can be found on their website and for the full interview pick up the mag on newsstands now.

J-14: Did you always know that you wanted to do music as a career?

Sam: Yes. I think when I had written my first song, I was ready. I was like, "Oh my god! I love this. I want to do this for the rest of my life." It hasn't really become a career until fairly recently, but I've been given a gift, a platform with a phenomenon here that is Twilight. It's a great thing to be attached to.

J-14: Have you written anything specifically for the sequel?
Sam:There's nothing specific, but I write about a lot of different things so there are things that may fit.

J-14: What has it been like to see Rob go through all of this craziness?
Sam: I think he deals with it like anyone else would. He's a blessed man right now and he's enjoying himself, but it's his job and this is his life that he has chosen.

Here's Sam singing one of my favorites 'Sea Blue'.


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