I'm going to go out on a limb here and do something a rarely ever do... Shameless.Self.Pimpage.
A couple months ago RobotMoose and I (Ms.Bond) had a wild idea to do a collaboration (which I nor she had EVER done) together for the Men At Work Fan Fiction Contest.
Why this one you ask? Well, come on now, really. Who in their right mind doesn't LOVE looking at a man hard at work, lifting a hammer, using a nail gun, hauling bags of cement? No one! Exactly.
Especially when it's a poor, tired, sweaty, hot, DIRTY and HARD WORKIN MAN.
My point to all this? Not setting out to do anything other then have some fun we wrote and submitted our entry. All 14,000 words of it. (We had A LOT to say) What happened?
So first we want to say thank you! Thank you to the judges of the contest, RoseLover24, thirtysomething, pomme_de_terre, NanMcCullen, and giada-marsielle. And thank you to ReachingasIFall for the awesome banner. (Check out her blog: http://reachingasifall.blogspot.com/ )And last but not least, thank you to SYTYCW for the wonderful writ-up on their website!! ( http://www.sytycw.blogspot.com/ ) Check it out below!
There were so many wonderful choices in this fabulous contest, and SO many different kind of hot working men. It made it an extremely difficult contest to judge, but there were a few stories that stood out in my mind. The Challenge was one in particular. While the writing was done extremely well and there were little to no grammatical errors, what really stood out for me was how much it struck a chord with me. You see, I too used to work in the construction industry, which is a male-dominated world. Women have a very hard time finding their niche, whether they know what they're doing or not. Most of the men believe that we're pretty things to look at who belong behind the desk filing paperwork and making phone calls. Little do they know that there are quite a few of us out there that can and will get down and dirty, and swing a hammer or two if we must. I really enjoyed the fact that not only did it have the conceited construction worker in Edward, in a nice pair of tight jeans might I add, but it also had three very strong-willed women that knew what they wanted and how to go about getting it. Above and beyond that, the sexual tension between Edward and Bella is fucking ridiculous... and the sex? Oh. My. God. I thank the baby Jesus everyday for smut of this caliber. After a change of panties, I decided that I am not above demanding a continuation of this little ditty. So write on, girl... write on. And for the love of all that is holy, please to be giving me some more hot sexing between these two. Please. And thank you. ;) ~ NanMcCullen
A couple months ago RobotMoose and I (Ms.Bond) had a wild idea to do a collaboration (which I nor she had EVER done) together for the Men At Work Fan Fiction Contest.
Why this one you ask? Well, come on now, really. Who in their right mind doesn't LOVE looking at a man hard at work, lifting a hammer, using a nail gun, hauling bags of cement? No one! Exactly.
Especially when it's a poor, tired, sweaty, hot, DIRTY and HARD WORKIN MAN.
My point to all this? Not setting out to do anything other then have some fun we wrote and submitted our entry. All 14,000 words of it. (We had A LOT to say) What happened?
So first we want to say thank you! Thank you to the judges of the contest, RoseLover24, thirtysomething, pomme_de_terre, NanMcCullen, and giada-marsielle. And thank you to ReachingasIFall for the awesome banner. (Check out her blog: http://reachingasifall.blogspot.com/ )And last but not least, thank you to SYTYCW for the wonderful writ-up on their website!! ( http://www.sytycw.blogspot.com/ ) Check it out below!
There were so many wonderful choices in this fabulous contest, and SO many different kind of hot working men. It made it an extremely difficult contest to judge, but there were a few stories that stood out in my mind. The Challenge was one in particular. While the writing was done extremely well and there were little to no grammatical errors, what really stood out for me was how much it struck a chord with me. You see, I too used to work in the construction industry, which is a male-dominated world. Women have a very hard time finding their niche, whether they know what they're doing or not. Most of the men believe that we're pretty things to look at who belong behind the desk filing paperwork and making phone calls. Little do they know that there are quite a few of us out there that can and will get down and dirty, and swing a hammer or two if we must. I really enjoyed the fact that not only did it have the conceited construction worker in Edward, in a nice pair of tight jeans might I add, but it also had three very strong-willed women that knew what they wanted and how to go about getting it. Above and beyond that, the sexual tension between Edward and Bella is fucking ridiculous... and the sex? Oh. My. God. I thank the baby Jesus everyday for smut of this caliber. After a change of panties, I decided that I am not above demanding a continuation of this little ditty. So write on, girl... write on. And for the love of all that is holy, please to be giving me some more hot sexing between these two. Please. And thank you. ;) ~ NanMcCullen
Again, many thanks and if your interested in reading it, here you go:
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