Today in London 37,000 people were running the marathon while here in Torre del Compte around 350 were doing something equally difficult, the tenth walk on the tracks in the countryside around the village, around 15 kms.
Everyone met in the Plaza Mayor at 8.30 where we were given cake, chocolate and a strong drink before we set off.
It was a perfect day, hardly any breeze and not too hot in the shade of the forests or river valley we were walking through. As usual it was superbly organised with 3 points along the route where we stopped for refreshments. The first for a bag of almonds, the 2nd a bocadillo and finally an orange all with drinks of water or wine.
The views were spectacular as we came out of the forests into the open.
All around, the wild rosemary, thyme and gorse were in flower with their wonderful scents in the air.
Finally, back to the Plaza Mayor for the meal - this year a fidueá (again), cooked in the same way as Jamie Oliver has just "discovered" as shown on Channel 4 TV last Wednesday. For more details on what the meal consists of, see the blog entry for the IX Marcha, (same time last year).
Back home, one last shot of the irises in our garden in the evening sun at the end of another superb day.
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