Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fiesta day 2

At midday there was a mass for San Ramón which concluded with his statue being paraded around the streets of the village. You can spot him in the picture below.

Click, with the left button of the mouse, on the picture to see it full size

There were more people than ever at the mass, some wore traditional costume.

Later, in the evening, we gathered in the school yard to see the group "Braulio Foz" perform their jotas, (pronounced "ho-taz"). To see a video of one of their dances from the performance, click HERE.

They were even better than the last time we saw them. The 4 musicians played a guitar and 3 bandurrias, (similar to lutes). There were 3 female and 2 male singers and a group of 8 very energetic young dancers all dressed in regional costume.

To see a second video of one of their dances from the performance, click HERE.
Very entertaining.

Our meal later in the evening was again at the peña. This time it was another dish typical of the region, rancho, usually prepared for workers or soldiers. It started off with costillas de cerdo, (pork ribs), being cut up and fried in olive oil with garlic, then diced peppers, potatoes, artichokes, asparagus, peas and rice were added.

Just what you need to warm you on a cold winter's night - the only trouble is, it's mid summer!
However, it went down very well!


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