Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fiesta day 4

In the ayuntamiento, the town hall, there had been an exhibition of the work produced by the "amas de casa", housewives, in their various enterprises undertaken during the year. Some paintings produced by a course run by the "pensionistas", pensioners, (but not necessarily exclusively for pensioners), were also being exhibited. Some of our first attempts at "still life in oils" was on show - that's ours at the left hand end.

To see each photo full size, click left.

Another course run by the amas de casa was "patchwork" and Margaret had produced 2 cushions, shown below.

Other people had turned their patchwork into bags.

Also on exhibition were wedding dresses as worn by the ladies of the village on their big day.

Our peña meal that evening was a ham with all the trimmings that go with it. A true delicacy.

Margaret is wearing a tiara in the photos above and below in order to get into character for the evening ahead.

Eva, standing on the bench, is explaining the choreography for the activity which we will all be involved in.

32 of us, in addition to the 2 "clocks" above are to be involved in the activity. Have you guessed what it is yet?

After playing the part of the black king for "three kings" in January and Lina Morgan for the entertainment for Santa Agueda in February, it is a small step for Floyd to play a cross between the two - the black queen!

While we dressed as chess pieces, other peña groups also dressed as part of the competition which was to take place that evening.

This was another activity which crossed all generations, (and genders)...

...with groups playing the part of different characters with such imagination...

...and enjoying a carnival like atmosphere.

Spirits were high as each group entered the Plaza Mayor to be judged...

...and others patiently waited their turn.

Our group had put so much work into making the costumes...

...and everyone had a vital role to play.

The result of the competition between the 11 peñas would not be announced until later that evening...

...but we were declared the winners, the prize being another ham! To see the video on YouTube, click HERE

At the end of the day, all the pieces from the king to the pawn, go back into the same box but we came home to our casa majestuoso.


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