Friday, November 6, 2009

1 TwiHard + 1 Shopping Addiction +1 Mall= A Beautiful New Moon Shopping Spree

My fellow TwiHards, I don't post frequently but I wanted to share my New Moon adventure I had last night. So myself @TwiSisterhood & @LilKel4 decided to go on a little shopping adventure for some New Moon goodies! I knew I was going to get myself into some little trouble so I went prepared with 2 credit cards! Honestly, after what I encountered yesterday it's hard to imagine anyone who hasn't heard about The Twilight Saga!

It's evident that the merchandise and marketing put forth for New Moon is a great indication on how prominent The Twilight Saga has become! As a fan it's very exciting to see all the new products and various items they decided to release this time around. So to all you HATERS out there, keep in mind, if you think The Twilight Saga has no bearing on current trends you are sorely mistaken, just walk into your local mall and you shall see!

Our first stop was NORDSTROM. I heard that NORDSTROM had released a whole line of clothing and jewelry, but I did not expect so see everything I did! @LilKel4 had a gift card with her name all over it! We ascend upstairs and look who greeted us!

Ahh yes, Edward was a sight for sore eyes, UNFORTUNATELY Jacob's cut out ruined the scenary, but never fear I just LA PUSHED his ass outta the way and continued on with shopping! Kudos to NORDSTROM for carrying some of the cutest shirts and of course the famous Rob-flannels for "Robettes". ROBETTE; def; females who channel their inner Rob by wearing their Robflare of flannel. Here are some pics of the New Moon gear and jewelry you can find at NORDSTROM.

Rob next to the flannel

It's Edward color...cut outs available for $33!

Who would have thought that going into the dressing room you were going to be greeted by the Cullen Clan! They might be inspiration for you to look BEAUTIFUL! Seriously DID NOT expect to see window clings all over the mirrors! However sadness sets in, do you see who's missing?

Thinking about sleeping with Edward Cullen? Sure why not! Check out these lovely PJ's. Well I know I'm not a Size 5 but still, why the tank? What happened to a cute baseball cap sleeve shirt, I mean it is winter!

Thinking about a little VOLTURI makeover? Sure why not, beautify yourself with some Lip Venom...

Next personal TwiCrackMerchandise dealer....HOT TOPIC! Everything from posters, beanies, lunchboxes, puzzles, jewelry, shirts, sweatshirts, pillowcases, blankets (snuggies), iPod/iPhone skins...anything you may need to fulfill your New Moon needs!

Question: Now if I buy the LIPGLOSS, am I guaranteed to be kissed by Edward like this? Cause if it is, I'll take a case please! STAT!

Next stop Barnes & Noble in search of the new VANITY FAIR...

#EpicFail Barnes & Noble...No Rob Pattinson.....*le sigh*

BUT just when hope seems gone, a quick trip to TARGET makes everything ROBTASTIC! On a whim, decided to stroll the magazine aisle and who do I see....yay, Vanity Fair December 2009...3 copies....Life is good...

What a fantastic night! Final damage=$147.83! #EPICSCORE Funniest part of the night, when the employee at Hot Topic said, "Hey have you seen the New Moon blankets? We just got them in, do you want to see them?" Pretty much just said, "Bring me 2 thanks!" She didn't even have try...SOLD! Thanks Kellz for a fun night, especially going through cops just to get to TARGET! LOL! I'll post a picture of my blanket tomorrow! I LOVE IT! So fellow TwiHards, any of you out there with the same addiction? Share your stories....

This is Nessa saying we only have 13 more days! WOOO!!!! If you'll be at the premiere, the sisterhood will be representing! You might see me in all my TwiGear! =D


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