Sunday, November 1, 2009


"La noche de los muertos" or "The night of the dead", "víspera de Todos los Santos or "eve of All Saints". Whichever form you go for, it's Hallowe'en!

To see the photo full size, click left on it.

15 ghouls, zombies, witches and vampires gathered to celebrate this event in Torre del Compte last night.

I don't know what the neighbours thought if they had seen us gathering.

The grim reaper and Dracula himself turned out for the occasion.

The special ingredients no doubt went into the cauldron for the meal ahead...

...and what a feast it was! This was just during the first course and there was so much food there was hardly sufficient room to put it all on the table but it soon disappeared.

And then the vampires flew off at the end to further quench their thirsts elsewhere!

And because the 1st of November, (all Saints day), is a Sunday this year and is normally a holiday here, don't worry because tomorrow, Monday, is the holiday instead.

Thanks to Floyd for 2 of the photos.


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