Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Robert and Kristens Harper's Bizaare Interview

Guh! I love this pic...

Okay, so this is the way I see it. It's a great interview, but no where in it does it have the shocking news that RP and KStew are in fact together. I think in many ways it tries to portray that they are, by playing the 'he said she said' in the interview portion. BUT they were interviewed separately even though one could easily mistake that they weren't. It seems to me, IMO that these two are noting more than very good friends with maybe a free side benefits thrown in, to spice things up. Read ahead and let us know what you think!

Rob Pattinson's and Kristen Stewart's rooms sit side by side on the thirtysomethingth floor of the Sheraton hotel in Vancouver ("the Couve," as Kristen calls it), where they are filming Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight saga. They spend a lot of time in their rooms in the sky -- two Rapunzels of sorts entertaining themselves behind closed doors -- because it's really, really hard to go out. "There are like 15 different exits in this place," observes Kristen of the tactics she and the rest of the Twilight cast use to avoid the paparazzi. She adds, "Rob is more frustrated with it, but he's 23 and I'm 19. He had a couple more years to be an adult and to be independent, whereas just as I was getting to the age when it's normal to go out by yourself ..." She pauses. "But it's boring because this is all I fucking talk about." For the rest of the article click here. For the interview, keep reading. :-)

Who spends more time on their hair? This should be a no brainer...

Kristen: "Rob."
Rob: "I have weird personal-space issues, and so I can't stand people -- um, I'll do anything to not have any touch-ups."

Kristen: "Rob. In a very childish way, in every aspect of his life. He'll literally start talking in a different voice if he's won something. He sounds like a five-year-old."
Rob: "I'd say it was even. She said me? Really? When I really win things, it's just like..." [Kristen is correct: He makes a noise like a five-year-old.]

Kristen: "I'm definitely claiming that one. Rob can barely jump rope. I call him Flippy because when he does his stunt rehearsals, he flips around [makes a gesture like a penguin]. And, God, when he tries to run ..."
Rob: "Kristen. You notice it in the film; she looks so much more athletic than I do. And I'm supposed to be the superhero."

Kristen: "I'd have to say him. I hope he says him too actually. Like every time he looks in the mirror and he twists his hair. Actually, he could give a fuck about his hair. I hope that sarcasm translates."
Rob: "It's kind of a tie. We're both pretty proud people. Her ego is more solid than mine, but mine has soared to such peaks, it's ridiculous. Mine's more erratic, but it can get to a point when it's, like, godlike. Only in my eyes, of course. Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I'm like, Whoa, I'm so cool."
Who Googles themselves more? For some reason I found this to be hysterical!

Kristen: "Rob."
Rob: "She would say me, but I reckon it's her. If either one of us catches the other one doing it, we're like, Jesus Christ, is that what you're looking at? And the other one's on their phone pretending to text. I look up my competition more than she does. I'm incredibly shallow. I think she just looks at herself."
Who's the better musician?

Kristen: "Rob. He's a great singer. Heartbreaking."
The most outgoing?
Rob: "I was once, but not so much anymore. Kristen's a little more open now."
Better sport?

Kristen: "Who can hang? Definitely me. He's very sensitive. He's got a fragile ego."

Kristen: "Rob. He's a little bit more paranoid, so that feeds into superstition more."
Rob: "I am. I believe a lot in karma and stuff. Like when I end up with egg on my face, I'm like, Fate! I was born doomed. But I think it's more being an idiot than superstitious."


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